And life goes on

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More Thoughts For the Day

You know how many people I have on my msn list that I never ever talk to? It makes me realize that although I know quite a few people, how many of them could I even conside my friend? How many of them even bother to talk to me? Sometimes, I feel like I'm being such a whinner, and that I should reflect about whether or not I myself have made the effort to talk to them. It's funny...usually, when somebody makes me feel like they care about me, even if it's the smallest gesture just to make me feel like they value me as a friend, I will be much more willing to make that extra effort to keep our friendship going. I know that without that extra effort, the friendship will go down the drain. That's why it makes me so happy that I know I've got some friends who will be my friends for the rest of my life. It's rather comforting. I love you guys! ^_^ And then there's those friends that confuse me like heck. We should be rather close friends come they can never make me feel like they care about me? I'm not saying like...always being next to me or anything. Even something simple like calling me up, and just having a good conversation. Or even simpler: if we're all going out as a big group of friends, make me feel like I'm wanted there. But no. Some people are just not like that. What the heck. Whatever. I have more thoughts, but that'll have to wait till tomorrow......


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