And life goes on

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I have noticed how at the church I go to in Ft Mac, all the people there are either older (i.e. 30 something and older) or very young (i.e. kids under 10). It is....I wouldn't say rare, but not as likely to see teenagers, and even if there are any, most of them look so bored and it is obvious that they do not want to be there. At today's Palm Sunday mass, I was sitting next to four teenage girls. It was surprising to see that many young ppl at church sitting together, but what surprised me even more was how the girl sitting next to me actually participated in the mass. She would sing the hymns (her singing wasn't that great tho.....hahaha), recite the prayers, spread her hands out for the Our Father, like she actually cared to be there. Not only that, but she did all those things, even though her other three friends did not. That is very very amazing because I would think most young ppl would just do what their friends did. You know, you got to follow the crowd to "be cool". She must have been 15 or 16ish. I know you cannot judge how spiritual a person is or how much they love God or how "good" of a person they are by just observing how they act at mass, but I believe if they at least make the effort to participate in the mass, it means they actually care to be there. Really, if you come to mass, but just sit and think about everything other than God, then why be there? I'm not trying to make myself sound so holy or anything, like I pay 100% attention and think about God every second of the mass, because I know that's not true. There are just those days where you didn't get enough sleep the night before, so you're like half dozing through the mass, and no matter how hard you try, you just fail to stay awake, not to mention pay attention. I guess if you know you've even it your all, then it's okay...

Is it just me, or is the lack of teenager problem a general trend in Catholic churches, and not just the case in Ft Mac? Why is that?


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