And life goes on

Sunday, April 09, 2006

More Thoughts For the Day (continued)

I guess I never finished my friend thoughts...

There are some friends that I'm so close with, and that I feel that I should tell them anything "big" (as in, out of the ordinary) that happens in my life, even if they don't ask me. And of course, in return, I kind of expect them to update me too, even if I don't ask. They usually do, and I'm glad they do. ^_^

And then, there are those friends that I feel quite close to, yet they don't tell me things willingly. It's like...I feel this invisible barrier between us. When we talk, we'll talk about everything, but that barrier still exists. I'm not expecting them to tell me every little detail in their life, because I do believe that all people have their secrets that they do share with nobody or almost nobody. But....I dunno how to describe that just exists.......

Most of my friends are the kind that I hang out with either very often, or not that often, but that I don't really confide in them. Not that I don't trust them or anything, but just that there's no real need to tell them. I'm sure if I encountered any problems, and told them, they would help me out or keep a secret for me. It's great to have friends just to laugh and have fun with. It's an awesome feeling. =)

Just had an awesome weekend with some of the new friends that I made in Ft Mac. Did so many things: ate out so much, watched V for Vendetta and Transporter 2, went to the driving range (1st time in such a long time), went shopping, watched some junior high kids play badminton, played some badminton, laughed and talked a lot. It was great! Got to know some of them better. We talked about our first impressions of each other. Apparently, I come off as being snobish to some people. hahaha. I think that's so funny. Even though I haven't known these friends for that long, I feel like I can talk to them about everything and I really enjoy hanging out with them. So much easier talking to them than to some other people that shall remain nameless. =P

This weekend I will be going to Edmonton for Easter. Hopefully, I will have the time to see all the friends and family that I want to hang out with. Geez. 4 days is so not enough. Gotta start planning.


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