And life goes on

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yet Another Awesome Weekend in FM


1. OILERS are advancing to the Stanley Cup Finals!!!!! Woohoooooooo!!! First time in 16 yrs man! So sweeeeeet. Last night's game was insanely exciting. My heart nearly jumped out, especially during the 3-man advantage, which we killed off beautifully. =)GO OILERS GO!!!

2. Went neon bowling Friday night. That was incredibly fun, even though I lost in BOTH games. Awwww...I suck...=P Ah well, I won some ice cream though! Hahaha. Winner treats loser to ice cream. I guess I get double the ice cream. Nice! ^_^

3. Went to SG's after bowling. Interesting experience....that's all I'm gonna say.

4. Played soccer for the first time in I-dunno-how-many years. It was actually quite fun, and I got good exercise out of it. The stupid mosquitos were swarming my face though. Sick! And there was this big puddle at one end of the field that I totally jumped into. The

5. Watched this very very weird comedy about video games and getting high and stuff. Not my kind of movie at all...

6. Got to chill with some awesome people ^_^

7. Played badminton. *sniff sniff* Season's almost over. Nooooooo. Last time on Wed. I hope they can book the gym for the summer too cuz it's my biggest source of exercise!!

8. Saw a leng jai...muahahahaha

9. And got to gush about the leng jai with another girl. Yay! I'm not the only girl anymore. ^_^ Thanks Car!

I was gonna make it even with 10 things, but I can't think of another reason. Hahaha. Weird. I'm enjoying my weekends in FM....=P

And I have to work tomorrow. Damnit. I shouldn't think about it. Let me enjoy the rest of my weekend......


Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Woohooo! Oilers have the chance to eliminate the Sharks from the playoffs tomorrow night!! Go Oilers go!! It'd be INSANE if we get to advance to the 3rd round of playoffs. Sweet.

Now the dilemma: badminton or oilers? On one hand, I already paid for badminton, so I should go. And it also lets me do more exercise, which will be very good for my health and gam fei. BUT Oilers might get to advance!! That is incredibly exciting. What shall I do, what shall I do! Argh. I hate making decisions. Hahahaha. Part of the immature me coming out.

I'm leaning toward Oilers. Once in a lifetime opportunity. I may change my mind tomorrow. Hahaha. Who knows. =P

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ft Mac and the Lack of Females

Ft Mac is totally lacking in females. Everybody who has lived in FM knows that for a fact. Two weekends ago, a bunch of us co-ops went to BP's for a farewell dinner. There were approx 18 of us....and I was the only girl. Hahaha. You would think I'd feel soooo weird and kind of out of place. But having been in engineering for a few years now, and having lived in YK and FM for a little bit, I'm totally used to it. Last night, a bunch of us were hanging out again - probably about half a dozen of us, with me being the only girl yet once again. =P They were all doing guy talk (i.e. looking at pics and saying "which girl do u think is hottest, cutest" etc.), and, I felt totally fine about it. I even participated in the conversation (I can totally tell which girls are pretty, which ones are hot). I feel like I'm turning into "one of the guys". hahahaha. =P

Even though I'm totally ok with hanging out w/ only guys, and I'm getting so used to it, I'm scared that doing this too much will turn me into one of those girls that can't stand to have other girls in their circle. Hahaha. In my life so far, I've met a few females like that. Like, they have to be the centre of attention of all the guys and feel threatened by the prescence of other girls. It's quite funny actually, cuz I've met this one female that seriously felt threatened by me cuz because I'm a female also. Not that we'd "fight" for guys, cuz we would never in a million yrs go for the same guy. It was simply because I was female. Maybe also cuz I'm younger than her. Kinda weird how that works. Hahaha. When I found out, I was laughing so hard. It also made me feel pretty good cuz that means I have the potential to threaten other females. =)

Anyways, I really really hope I don't turn into that kind of girl. Sometimes I feel like I'm leaning toward becoming one of those girls and that scares me cuz often, those kinds of girls are hated by all of girls, and I never wanna be in that position. I better slap myself before it gets to that stage (or my friends will slap me). I think I'll need to go to Edmonton more to push myself away from there. Hahaha. Or if I could just be more social and hang out with more girls in FM too. I said last night that I'd try to be more social and meet more people and socialize with them and everything but.........ya, it didn't happen. I ended up hanging out with the same people yet agian. I guess, in a way, it's a good thing cuz hanging out w/ the same ppl allows you to get to know them better.

There's a potluck dinner tonight for 4 co-op students' bdays. It'll be a small party - just some of us hanging out, eating, chatting, laughing. A much bigger party is happening over @ #10 w/ like all the Suncor/Syncrude students. That party will be where everybody's gonna get frickin hammered. Maybe I'll go. Maybe I won't. I dunno yet. But now, I'm gonna get off my ass and go work out or go for a walk or run or something. It is so incredibly nice out.

Leave me a comment if you're reading this. It's nice to know who is actually interested in what I'm up to. ^_^ Especially you, Jerk. I wrote an entry JUST for you, yet you didn't leave a comment. Thanks a lot. =P