And life goes on

Saturday, December 02, 2006

My December

Wow, it's been a whole two months since I've updated. It's difficult to keep up with my blogg. Not cuz of homework, but just because I'm lazy. Hahaha.

This December is going to be so incredibly busy - to the point where it's rather stressful. First off, I've got my finals to study for and to write. 12th, 13th, 15th, and 19th. Ooh. How fun. I am definitely not looking forward to studying for them. I just wish to learn the material, write the stupid exam and get them over with. =P

On top of exams, my family and I are moving into our newly built house on the 15th, right amist my finals. I think we're supposed to progressively move stuff over, starting from Dec. 6th, which is when we get possession of the house. I really don't know how much I can give my parents, with finals coming up so soon. I really should at least try to help them out a bit.....ugh.....that means I'll be sacrificing time spent with friends and stuff.=( That sucks. I don't want that...but maybe for once I shouldn't be such a selfish brat and actually take a load off my parents back. Argh. It is SUCH an inconvenient time to move.

As well, I need to preparing to move down to Calgary. From January to August, I'll be working in downtown Calgary for Imperial Oil! I'm soooooo excited because 1) I'm working in downtown Calgary 2) I'm living with my engg friends and that's gonna be so awesome. 3) It's gonna be so much fun. But there's the moving down part, which is kind of a pain in the ass. So basically....we move into our new house and like a week or two later, I gotta move again. Packing, unpacking, and packing again. Wheeee. Fun stuff. @_@

Christmas is always a time of get-together-ing. There will probably be tons of Christmas party and dinners. Lots of spending time with friends and families. I really love Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year. With so many get-togethers though, it's gonna be busy busy busy.

As much as I love shopping, I must say that Christmas shopping is quite stressful. I haven't even started to think about it. I don't think I'll have time to shop till after the 19th. That leaves me 6 days. Oh dear. It's like "ready, get set, shop". Hahaha. I despise going to the mall when it's jam packed and everybody seems to be in a hurry. It's kind of....overwhelming. And shopping with a specific purpose and time limit is always less fun than the casual shopping.

Since I'm going to on a ski-trip in early January which I am so very excited for, I really need to find some time over the Christmas holiday to learn snowboarding. I've never snowboarded before so I think I'll need some lessons on the bunny hill before I hit the mountains. I hear you spend like so much time on your ass on the first time you snowboard. Hahaha. Great. =P

Oh, and I guess there's another "major" event in December: my birthday. Hahaha. It's like sandwiched between all my exams. I'm used to not being able to hold birthday parties near the actual day of my birthday because of exams. Usually, I spend my birthdays studying. Woohoo. How fun. And usually, I have a bday party like after Christmas or after exams or something. This year....I dunno. There are too many other things going on and I'm kind of lazy to be planning a party. Hahaha. I think there isn't really time. I'm leaving on the 28th of Dec. for Calgary which is quite early. But I start work on Jan.2, so I guess the 28th is about right.

And that's a wrap-up of what will be happening in my December. Man, it's gonna go by so quickly. I just know it. =P


Blogger norwegian girl said...

Update update update!!!


9:40 AM  
Blogger alice cooper said...

van you need an update. like now. so i can have something to read.

7:57 PM  

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