And life goes on

Monday, April 24, 2006

I am anti-social

Just for you Jerk, so that you have something to read during your study breaks. Study hard!! =)

There were quite a few parties at Penhorwood (street on which I live in FM) this weekend. Friday: Big keg party & BBQ. (Ppl partied till like 4 in the morning and just devoured 2 big kegs of beer) Saturday: Easter egg hunt in the afternoon and bon fire at night. Sunday: nothing. hahaha. =P I didn't really go to any of those things....hahaha. Stopped by the keg party for the BBQ. Stayed at the bon fire for like 5 mins. There were so many ppl there I could barely stand next to the fire. Parties like that don't really interest me. You're standing around a bunch of people you barely know the names of and just drinking and drinking and drinking. It's pretty boring to me......I guess considering how I don't like to drink much and I suck at it. haahah. During the parties this weekend, I mostly stayed at my friend's house and just chilled with a smaller group of ppl. Watched some hockey, some stand-up comedy. We went outside and threw the frisbee and football around. The weather was soooooo nice out. Awesome. I find doing things like that just so much more fun. I guess you can call me a pretty boring, lame and non-party-animal person. hahaha. That's just the way I am. Anti-social. hahaha.

Woohoo. Edmonton time again! My uncle's coming to Edm this weekend from HK so I'll get to hang out with him. Sweet. My friend's also having a campfire thingy in her backyard so I'll get to go to that. Oh, and I might go karaoke. Awesome! Haven't done that in awhile. hahaha. Ah.....Edmonton weekends are so great. Even greater cuz work sucks right now. Man, I lose my temper so easily and I struggle so incredible hard not to yell at some people. Hahaha. It's bad. I always end up taking it out on the other co-op students I work with. I'm sorry. I shouldn't do that, but I can't help it!! Hopefully work will be better after this stupid software I'm using is over with. @_@

Tomorrow is another boring 'ol day. Come home from work. Run around the track. Cook dinner. Eat dinner. Surf the net/watch tv. Sleep. Ah, man. Gotta write that rap for camping announcement. Oh dear. It's gonna be so hard and will come out sounding cheesy and stupid....great......

Monday, April 17, 2006


"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

Inspired by watching A Walk to Remember. =P It was on TV tonight, and I've never seen it before!! Saw like half of it tonight and it was sooooooo sweet! Sappy, but sweet. Awwwwwwwww. I gotta see it again from beginning to end. ^_^

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Things to Buy

Things I want/need and that I may/will be getting this summer:

1. A Bike. The dilmemma: Should I buy a really good bike from Edm, bring it up to FM, and then bring it back down to Edm OR buy a crappier bike in FM, and may or may not bring it back to Edmonton? I'm leaning toward the second choice.....

2. A new cellphone. Definitely want to buy a good one for when I go back to Edmonton. The question is how much I'm willing to spend and which phone I want. Got to do more research.

3. A better stereo for my car. This one will probably be too easy cuz I'll just go to Best Buy or something and pick one out. Shouldn't be too expensive either.

I think I will be spending a great amount of money on these three items already. Need to save up for HK/2008 World Youth Day/Asia Trip. Can't wait for that!!!

I'm hoping to take a vacation this August, maybe to the States or on a cruise or to Toronto or something, but there will most likely be no time. With our house and everything, there won't be enough time. Ah wellz. Save more for 2008. ^_^

Easter Weekend in Edmonton!! Sweeeeeeeeet. 5 hour bus ride tomorrow. How fun.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

More Thoughts For the Day (continued)

I guess I never finished my friend thoughts...

There are some friends that I'm so close with, and that I feel that I should tell them anything "big" (as in, out of the ordinary) that happens in my life, even if they don't ask me. And of course, in return, I kind of expect them to update me too, even if I don't ask. They usually do, and I'm glad they do. ^_^

And then, there are those friends that I feel quite close to, yet they don't tell me things willingly. It's like...I feel this invisible barrier between us. When we talk, we'll talk about everything, but that barrier still exists. I'm not expecting them to tell me every little detail in their life, because I do believe that all people have their secrets that they do share with nobody or almost nobody. But....I dunno how to describe that just exists.......

Most of my friends are the kind that I hang out with either very often, or not that often, but that I don't really confide in them. Not that I don't trust them or anything, but just that there's no real need to tell them. I'm sure if I encountered any problems, and told them, they would help me out or keep a secret for me. It's great to have friends just to laugh and have fun with. It's an awesome feeling. =)

Just had an awesome weekend with some of the new friends that I made in Ft Mac. Did so many things: ate out so much, watched V for Vendetta and Transporter 2, went to the driving range (1st time in such a long time), went shopping, watched some junior high kids play badminton, played some badminton, laughed and talked a lot. It was great! Got to know some of them better. We talked about our first impressions of each other. Apparently, I come off as being snobish to some people. hahaha. I think that's so funny. Even though I haven't known these friends for that long, I feel like I can talk to them about everything and I really enjoy hanging out with them. So much easier talking to them than to some other people that shall remain nameless. =P

This weekend I will be going to Edmonton for Easter. Hopefully, I will have the time to see all the friends and family that I want to hang out with. Geez. 4 days is so not enough. Gotta start planning.


I have noticed how at the church I go to in Ft Mac, all the people there are either older (i.e. 30 something and older) or very young (i.e. kids under 10). It is....I wouldn't say rare, but not as likely to see teenagers, and even if there are any, most of them look so bored and it is obvious that they do not want to be there. At today's Palm Sunday mass, I was sitting next to four teenage girls. It was surprising to see that many young ppl at church sitting together, but what surprised me even more was how the girl sitting next to me actually participated in the mass. She would sing the hymns (her singing wasn't that great tho.....hahaha), recite the prayers, spread her hands out for the Our Father, like she actually cared to be there. Not only that, but she did all those things, even though her other three friends did not. That is very very amazing because I would think most young ppl would just do what their friends did. You know, you got to follow the crowd to "be cool". She must have been 15 or 16ish. I know you cannot judge how spiritual a person is or how much they love God or how "good" of a person they are by just observing how they act at mass, but I believe if they at least make the effort to participate in the mass, it means they actually care to be there. Really, if you come to mass, but just sit and think about everything other than God, then why be there? I'm not trying to make myself sound so holy or anything, like I pay 100% attention and think about God every second of the mass, because I know that's not true. There are just those days where you didn't get enough sleep the night before, so you're like half dozing through the mass, and no matter how hard you try, you just fail to stay awake, not to mention pay attention. I guess if you know you've even it your all, then it's okay...

Is it just me, or is the lack of teenager problem a general trend in Catholic churches, and not just the case in Ft Mac? Why is that?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Ugh...ate tooooo many wings tonight. Even though it's Wing Night, it's still like 40 cents a wing, which is more expensive than Edmonton's Wing Night. Good 'ol Ft Mac.

I did some of my homework tonight. Yay! *pat myself on the back* I know it's not enough, but it's a start. Need to ponder more....

Sleeping so late everyday now. Monday cuz I was on msn. Last night cuz I was on the phone (thanks for the talk!). Tonight cuz of wings. I'm too stuffed to sleep. Hahaha.

I think I have an eating disorder. hahaha. I'm turning into a juu pa, I can just feel. Disgusting.

Badminton was horrible tonight. Couldn't serve. Hit everything out. Didn't shank much, but I missed the stupid shuttle like 50 billion times. Argh. So stupid. =( Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

Woohoo. Random thoughts here and there.

Pizza Day tomorrow. Stop.

"VP Day" this Sat. Hahaha. Yay. Weekend's gonna be busy.

I coached badminton on Tues. Oh gosh. I can't coach. I dunno what's wrong with your swing. Heck, I dunno what's wrong with my swing. hahaha.

Need to start planning Easter weekend. So many things to do, so many people I wanna see, so little time.

I hate getting old...things are too complex. KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid. it's that easy.

Alright. Enough blah-blah-ing tonight. Nitez.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More Thoughts For the Day

You know how many people I have on my msn list that I never ever talk to? It makes me realize that although I know quite a few people, how many of them could I even conside my friend? How many of them even bother to talk to me? Sometimes, I feel like I'm being such a whinner, and that I should reflect about whether or not I myself have made the effort to talk to them. It's funny...usually, when somebody makes me feel like they care about me, even if it's the smallest gesture just to make me feel like they value me as a friend, I will be much more willing to make that extra effort to keep our friendship going. I know that without that extra effort, the friendship will go down the drain. That's why it makes me so happy that I know I've got some friends who will be my friends for the rest of my life. It's rather comforting. I love you guys! ^_^ And then there's those friends that confuse me like heck. We should be rather close friends come they can never make me feel like they care about me? I'm not saying like...always being next to me or anything. Even something simple like calling me up, and just having a good conversation. Or even simpler: if we're all going out as a big group of friends, make me feel like I'm wanted there. But no. Some people are just not like that. What the heck. Whatever. I have more thoughts, but that'll have to wait till tomorrow......

Thought of the Day

"Strength is using your own hands to break a chocolate bar into four pieces....and then only eating one." - Unknown

Saturday, April 01, 2006

First Blogg

Woohoo! First blogg on my blogg. Sweet.